Shoulderpod G1RP - Rubber Pad
Rubber Pad replacements for the G1 grip
Pair of rubber pad replacements for the G1 smartphone grip included in the S2, R2 and X1 smartphone video rigs.
Rubber Pad replacements for the G1 grip
Pair of rubber pad replacements for the G1 smartphone grip included in the S2, R2 and X1 smartphone video rigs.
Rubber Pad replacements for the G1 grip
Pair of rubber pad replacements for the G1 smartphone grip included in the S2, R2 and X1 smartphone video rigs.
G1RP - Replacement
Pair of rubber pad replacements for the G1 grip
Injected from black rubberized thermo-polymer.
Fit each rubber pad by pressure into their correct positions.
In the box: 1 Pair of G1RP rubber pads.